What is NSFW

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I recently discovered a cryptocurrency called PornRocket. This cryptocurrency has a very interesting purpose, and could make the adult industry more transparent and concrete. PornRocket is a cryptocurrency that will be used as a token on the NSFW.app. NSFW.app could be the world’s leading decentralized adult content social sharing platform built on a blockchain.

Since the invention of photography in the 1800s, the professional pornography industry has been increasing. Today almost 50% of men and 20% of women are active users in pornography consumption. CNBC estimates the US porn industry at $13 billion, with $3,075 being spent on porn every second and a new porn video being produced every 39 minutes. MindGeek is one of the biggest companies in this industry collecting around 460 M in revenue annually. MindGeek owns three of the top ten pornographic websites in the world. This is causing the company to experience some scrutiny within the industry for several reasons. The adult content industry has a problem doing business with the major financial institutions and the ecosystem is very erratic due to increasing regulations worldwide.  

Many people may not understand in this industry there currently needs to be a level of trust between service providers and customers. This is where a cryptocurrency can enter the industry and bridge the gap in several different areas. According to the creators of PornRocket “content creators can generate income streams avoiding hefty fees currently charged by platforms such as OnlyFans/PornHub, with pornographic content shared directly between performers and consumers.” On this application content creators will be able to set their own prices. The blockchain technology secures the content created on the NSFW app ensuring it can’t be copied, stolen or reproduced.

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PornRocket will be launching this app in the next 30 days. It will be very interesting to see how their NFT PornPad projects evolves. I can see this project stealing market share from other projects such as PornHub or OnlyFans. PornRocket’s current price according to CoinGecko is $0.000000326738. Early investors will be rewarded if they believe content creators will want exclusive rights to their own content and full control of their financial systems.


“Pornographic Profits.” CNBC, CNBC, 20 Apr. 2011, www.cnbc.com/2009/06/29/Pornographic-Profits.html.


Jordan Smith

Jordan Smith

CEO of Business Plugs

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