Fair Reliable Online Poker?

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History of Poker

Gambling involves three elements to be involved which are the amount wagered, the risk, and the prize. Humans have been gambling since the beginning of time. The earliest tangible evidence comes from Ancient China where tiles were unearthed that appeared to have been used for a rudimentary game of chance. The Chinese Book of Songs refers to the drawing of wood which suggests that the tiles may have formed part of a lottery-type game. The Greek poet Sophocles claimed that dice were invented by a mythological hero during the siege of Troy, and while this may have a somewhat dubious basis, in fact, his writings around 500bc were the first mention of dice in Greek history. Poker is the biggest American card game associated with gambling, it derives from the Persian game As-Nas, this game can be traced back to the 17th century. There is something about human nature that we humans are attracted to the feeling of gambling or wagering. The Super Bowl is one of the biggest wagered games in the world and the amount wagered on the game continues to rise each year.

History of Online Poker

People play poker for several different reasons. Some play for the love of competition, others play for financial gain, and some simply enjoy the game to mingle with other people. Since the invention of the internet online poker has been available to some people in select countries. Planet Poker was the first online card room to offer real money games in 1998. Through several scandals, strict government regulation, and strict payment providers online poker players have endured a rough atmosphere since 1998. One of the biggest problems with current online poker platforms is the confidence in timely deposits and withdrawals. If a player transfers money to an international poker room, or cash out winnings, they are at the hands of a payment processor, poker rooms, or bank’s bureaucracy as to the timing of those funds, if they get processed at all… In the sports gambling industry companies like Everygame or Bovada were the first of their kind to establish confidence in the online sports gambling industry.

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What is CoinPoker?

CoinPoker (CHP) is a token that makes up the CoinPoker economy. This platform uses blockchain technology that gives people the ability to play the game of poker online with confidence. CoinPoker’s blockchain technology also solves the key hurdles inhabiting the growth of online poker today, namely avoiding payment processing issues, managing game integrity, creating purely random number generation, and allowing for blockchain marketing initiatives. Even product design, new games can be controlled by a blockchain voting system based on user preferences.


Market Cap: $16,325,679

Circulating Supply: 274,720,611

Total Supply: 278,237,314

Blockchain: Polygon

Thoughts about the future of Coin Poker

Poker is a wonderful card game that will be around until the end of time. Since the creation of CHP users has been able to deposit and withdraw using several different types of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The platform is growing and since the first time, I heard of this project the market cap has quadrupled. It is estimated that online poker in 2021 accounts for USD $2.5 billion of overall online gambling expenditure. That figure does not account for the plethora of play money poker apps on Facebook and other social media platforms as well as free poker played at traditional online poker rooms. Online poker isn’t currently legal in all fifty states. There are still countries including India and China, not to mention the continent of Africa, that still haven’t been exposed to a secure and trusted card gaming platform. The future for online card games and more importantly CoinPoker is very big. At the current time, CHP is the first project of its kind that involves blockchain technology and poker. Time will tell if another project emerges and begins to fight CHP for market share. Currently, CoinPoker is the number one place to play poker online safely.

Jordan Smith

Jordan Smith

CEO of Business Plugs

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