What Cryptocurrencies To Invest In Before 2022?

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Grocery prices in October 2021 were 5.4% higher than a year ago, according to the latest consumer price index. Overall inflation is 6.2%, the highest annual figure in more than three decades. Many people since January 2021 have drastically seen an increase in the price of gasoline and natural gas. There will be more signs that the time to invest in cryptocurrency is now. The Federal Reserve and the White House have stated that the inflationary spike is temporary and a byproduct of the pandemic. I totally disagree with this statement; I foresee stagflation taking over the United States economy for years to come. It may be possible that some popular stocks even take a 30% decrease.

Millions of people will be impacted by a USA economy plagued by stagflation. Backers of the dollar should ask themselves if the value of the dollar will increase if there is war in Eastern Europe or Asia?

The word Bitcoin will continue to become common language as 2022 approaches. At the writing of this blog the cryptocurrency market is below 3 trillion. This is a sign that there is a lot of profit to be made in this very young industry. Based on my analysis of whitepapers and understanding sentimental analysis there are several coins that people should invest in as soon as possible. These cryptocurrencies will provide extreme value to people looking for an alternative to stocks, bonds, and real estate. The current price and the name of the following cryptocurrencies will be listed below. Over the next year I will attempt to blog individually about every cryptocurrency listed below as I understand them at a profound level.

See also  You Didn’t Miss The Boat - Invest in Crypto Now!












If anyone needs help finding the contract addresses for these coins, please comment below.

Jordan Smith

Jordan Smith

CEO of Business Plugs

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