Why Matrix AI Network 3.0?

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The concept of a Metaverse, a virtual world where users can interact with each other and experience life in a digital environment, has been around for quite some time. However, with the advent of blockchain technology, it has become more feasible to build such a world. MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 is a project that aims to leverage the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to create a Metaverse that is not only immersive but also personalized to each user.

In this blog post, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 whitepaper. We will start by looking at why the project was created and what problems it aims to solve. Next, we will discuss the features of MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 and how they will work together to create a Metaverse that is unique to each user. Finally, we will look at the roadmap for the project and the different phases that it will go through.


The primary reason for creating MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 is to capitalize on the potential economic impact of the Metaverse. According to a Deloitte report, the Metaverse is projected to contribute between $80,000,000 to $140,000,000 USD to the GDP of Asia by 2035. This figure is significant, and it highlights the potential of a virtual world where users can interact with each other.

However, creating a Metaverse that is immersive and personalized to each user is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is creating an emotional attachment between real people and their digital avatars. This is where Avatar Intelligence (AvI) comes into play. AvI aims to create a digital avatar that is identical to the user’s brain, which will allow users to have a more immersive and personalized experience in the Metaverse.

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Another challenge is training digital avatars. This requires significant computing power, which is expensive and difficult to scale. MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 aims to address this challenge by providing distributed computing power through MANTA, a machine learning platform that provides computing power for training digital avatars.

Finally, users should be able to take their digital avatars to any Metaverse platform. This requires a level of interoperability between different platforms that is currently lacking in the industry. MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 aims to create a platform that is open and interoperable, allowing users to take their avatars to any Metaverse platform.

Features of MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0

The MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 whitepaper outlines several features that will work together to create a Metaverse that is unique to each user. These features include Avatar Intelligence, distributed storage, brain wave-based AI algorithms, and open access ports.

Avatar Intelligence

AvI is the centerpiece of MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0. It aims to create a digital avatar that is identical to the user’s brain. Users can upload their brain wave data through wearables, intrusive hardware, or MATRIX ports. The brain wave data is then uploaded to a distributed storage network where it is analyzed and modeled to create a digital avatar.

Distributed Storage

The brain wave data is stored on a distributed storage network, ensuring that the data is kept safe and secure. Users will need to pay MAN (MATRIX AI NETWORK’s native cryptocurrency) for storage fees when uploading their brain wave data.

Brain Wave-Based AI Algorithms

MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 aims to provide brain wave-based AI algorithm services through MANAS, an AI service platform. These services will include better focus, better sleep, and other personalized services based on the user’s brain wave data.

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Open Access Ports

Open Access Ports refer to the connectivity points or channels between different blockchain platforms and the Matrix AI Network. These ports enable developers and users to access and utilize the features and capabilities of Matrix AI Network, such as Avatar Intelligence and distributed computing power, from other blockchain platforms.

In practical terms, Open Access Ports allow Matrix AI Network to integrate and interoperate with other blockchain platforms, providing seamless cross-platform functionality for users and developers. This interoperability can enhance the functionality of blockchain applications and increase their adoption by making them more user-friendly and accessible.

Moreover, Open Access Ports also enable users to move their assets across different blockchain platforms easily. This allows for greater flexibility and choice in how users manage their digital assets and interact with the blockchain ecosystem. Open Access Ports are therefore an important feature of Matrix AI Network’s infrastructure, as they allow for greater integration and interoperability of blockchain networks, which can help to drive innovation and growth in the blockchain industry.

In terms of tokenomics, the total supply of MAN is set at 2.64 billion tokens, with a current circulating supply of around 643 million. The token was initially distributed through an ICO in 2017, with 30% of the tokens allocated for the ICO, 30% for the Matrix team, 30% for the Matrix Foundation, and 10% for early investors and advisors. The token has been listed on several major cryptocurrency exchanges and has seen fluctuations in price since its inception. The team behind the Matrix AI Network has also implemented various initiatives to support the token value and increase adoption, such as a token buyback program and partnerships with other companies. Overall, the tokenomics of MAN aim to support the growth and sustainability of the Matrix AI Network ecosystem, while providing value for token holders.

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In conclusion, the potential economic impact of the Metaverse is immense, and MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 aims to capitalize on this potential by creating a Metaverse that is immersive and personalized to each user. The project’s Avatar Intelligence, distributed storage, brain wave-based AI algorithms, and open access ports are all key features that will work together to create a unique virtual world. With a total supply of 2.64 billion tokens and initiatives to support its value and adoption, the tokenomics of MAN aim to support the growth and sustainability of the MATRIX AI NETWORK ecosystem. In short, MATRIX AI NETWORK 3.0 is an ambitious and promising project that could change the way we experience life in the digital world. If you’re interested in learning more about the potential of blockchain technology and how it can be applied to different industries, check out BusinessPlugs consulting services. Our team of experts can help you navigate the rapidly evolving world of blockchain and identify opportunities for your business.

Jordan Smith

Jordan Smith

CEO of Business Plugs

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